If positioned well, wide ad sizes can increase your earnings significantly. The sizes we've found to be the most effective are the 336 x 280 large rectangle, the 300 x 250 medium rectangle, the 728 x 90 leaderboard, the 300 x 600 half page and on mobile the 320 x 100 large mobile banner. Bear in mind that while these ad sizes typically perform well, you should use the size that best complements your pages. For more information about these ad sizes. It's better to add one recommended ad unit than two smaller ad units next to each other.
Source : https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/17955
thanks, I will try to apply in my website
@Mr. Resep 3D yes, Please
Wah keren gan mudah-mudahan ini bermanpaat buat blog saya yang baru gan
iya gan mudah2an saja ya n jangan lupa selalu berdoa gan
Komentar tanpa NAMA (nick name) kemungkinan besar tidak akan direspon. Berkomentarlah dengan baik dan sopan demi kenyamanan bersama, komentar yang anda masukan akan sangat berarti untuk saya